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Canada's Independent Voices!
Since 1987 - Currently in our 34th year

The readers and writers of Dialogue
believe it is...
‘better to light a candle
than to stand and curse the dark…’

Maurice J. King (1927-2019)
co-founder of Dialogue in 1987

 Dialogue magazine is an independent, not-for-profit print periodical that was created in 1987 by Maurice King and Janet Hicks, as a forum of ideas, committed to freedom of expression. As a volunteer-created, alternative media, Dialogue - now a Quarterly - features articles written and suggested by its readers across Canada and beyond.

The periodical - in print and in a digital edition - is an open space for ideas, insights, critical thinking & radical imagination.

The magazine is supported solely by its reader-writers, through their subscriptions ($20/yr. in Canada; $35/yr. in the U.S.; $50 overseas) and their donations. [Details & Paypal at the bottom of this page.]

Previously published from Quebec and Ontario, the magazine, since 2001, is based in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, BC. 
Co-founder: Maurice King (1927-2019);
co-founder and editor, Janet Hicks King, and with the dedicated support of readers and writers - and, of course, with the invaluable help of Penny (2003-2020) and Lucky, still going strong!

ABOVE: Penny (2003-2020) & Lucky (still vigilant - when he's awake!)
BELOW: Janet & Penny in 2009
(photo taken by Maurice)

Subscription to Dialogue magazine in print:
(subscribers also receive a digital pdf file of the issue)
In Canada: $20 per year
In the US (North America): $35 per year (USD)
Outside North America: $50 per year (USD)

You can order by phone: 250-758-9877 with VISA, M/C or AmEx
Or by mail to: 6227 Groveland Dr., Nanaimo, BC  V9V 1B1
(cash, credit card, cheque, money order)
E-mail: dialogue@dialogue.ca
Website: www.dialogue2.ca and www.dialogue.ca (now forwarded to this site)


Maurice and Penny in 2018,
enjoying their daily walk
in one of Nanaimo's
beautiful wooded

Dialogue's Purpose:
Dialogue is a venue for communication & empowerment
- through a not-for-profit, volunteer-based format -
enabling individuals to share their insights and
inspirations through words, art & humour.

For 33+ years, dialogue has been helping Canadians to “tell it the way they see it”! You will read news, views & history from many varied perspectives ~ or share your own!

dialogue keeps Canadians informed and allows us to communicate with each other, about the things that matter to us and to our communities.

The readers and writers of dialogue form a vital national network of people who value their freedom of speech and who are interested in issues affecting the future of our community, province, country and our magnificent planet.

dialogue is an alternative media, offering Canadians the opportunity to express their views and exchange ideas without regard for ‘political correctness’ or corporate censorship.

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Special Projects...

Dialogue's "Alphabet Challenge" - with a letter of the alphabet inspiring a cover theme for each issue, started in 2013 and completed with the Winter 2019-20 issue in December 2019.

"Project Perpetuate" - initiated at the end of our 30th year, in 2017, to explore the sustainability and long-term continuation of the magazine beyond its current volunteer editor and publisher.

Dialogue Legacy Fund in memory of Maurice - a fund-raising initiative, started in 2020, to raise annual donations of $2000 to replace the amount that Maurice was donating to Dialogue every year. A heartfelt thank you to all readers who have donated to the Legacy Fund. The goal has been met for 2020 - and the dedication and commitment of Dialogue readers and writers will ensure that the magazine will continue for years to come.

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What you will find in Dialogue magazine:

In dialogue, you will read many points of view:
from across Canada and around the world – of well-informed, concerned and passionate citizens, on a wide variety of subjects,
such as...

  • politics, policies and political ethics (or the lack thereof!)
  • environment, sustainability, holistic health & well-being
  • philosophy, history, religion, spirituality
  • poetry, painting, art, photography
  • personal stories, cartoons, humour, recipes
  • economics, banking & monetary policies
  • democracy, electoral & constitutional reform
  • provincial and local perspectives & issues
  • globalization, trade, military and international affairs, etc.

Plus… Short stories, feature essays and regular columnists.

We invite you to join the thousands of Canadians who exchange ideas
through the pages of
dialogue magazine - in print and on-line.

Bertrand Russell once said:

“Be isolated, be ignored, be attacked,
         be in doubt,
be frightened…             
… but do not be silenced.”

dialogue and its readers and writers accept this challenge! Do You?

Dialogue's Purpose:
Communication & Empowerment!

The communication and empowerment mission of Dialogue magazine is to provide venues whereby Canadians can express their views on the topics that are important to them and also have the opportunity to read the views that others share, so that our understanding of complex issues may deepen and our imagining of possibilities may expand.

Today, as never before, communication in Canada – and elsewhere – is being dominated by political, corporate and special interest agendas. And the ownership of media is becoming increasingly concentrated in a few hands. The result is that the Canadian public is often exposed to only one-sided (and often self-serving) views of the issues facing our country, or worse – NOT exposed at all to politically-sensitive or 'politically-incorrect' topics.

If you think the media has a responsibility to challenge the political process, then you will want to read dialogue: where you will find writers who are not afraid to challenge politically-correct views and the agendas of the political elites. Dialogue is an independent, not-for-profit publication (not controlled by a media corporation, nor beholden to advertisers!)

If you believe you have a right to know what is really going on and how it affects all of us, then you won't want to miss a single issue!  You will want to read the letters, articles and exposés written by well-informed Canadians across the country & from around the world.

If you value the English language and want to encourage Canadian writers of essays, stories, poetry and articles, then you will want to subscribe today (see below) – and treat yourself to the varied menu of letters, essays, poetry and other creative writing in dialogue.

If you like to express your ideas in writing or images, you will want to join the dialogue between Canadians – and let your views be shared with readers across the country (and around the world, through our digital editions).

If you support freedom of expression, then you will want to support dialogue. Even if you do not have a lot of time to read, you will see the need for Dialogue to thrive – so that everyone has the opportunity to be one of…  “Canada’s Independent Voices!”

Dialogue was started and is still published as a not-for-profit publication, by Maurice King, who was the initiator and author of the successful 1993 appeal to the United Nations against Quebec’s discriminatory language law. He is the author of The First Step, a book about the conflict between Quebec nationalism and Canadian values.

To order the magazine via PayPal, for a Canadian address, please use the button below
(click on the small down arrow for options)

For US/North American and Outside North America, please see options here

$20 per year

Dialogue has grown, over the years, into a national forum of ideas, committed to freedom of expression, with readers and writers across Canada – and beyond! Since 2001, dialogue is published from Nanaimo, BC, with volunteer writers and volunteer editing/layout by Janet Hicks King.

~ for a year of stimulating reading & writing!
[Four issues per year.]

(      )   1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION: $20............$_____________

(      )    2-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION: $40...........$_____________

(      )    MY DONATION TO HELP..................$_____________

(      )    1-YR. GIFT SUBSCRIPTION: $20.....$_____________

(      )    6-month subscription: $10..............$_____________

  (Please provide address details for GIFTS)

 Total Amount ~ Thank you! ~                       $___________

Method of Payment:  (     ) Cheque or money order           (payable to “Dialogue” please)
(     ) Credit card:  (    )VISA       (   )M/C      (   )AM-EX
Card Card No._________________________________________

Expiry: (Mo/Yr)  ______/______

Authorized signature of cardholder:   ____________________________________________  

Rates include taxes/postage; GST No. 89355-1739
Above rates apply within Canada

U.S. - $35/YR                   OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA  - $50/YR

Please reply to Dialogue Magazine:

6227 Groveland Dr. Nanaimo, BC V9V 1B1
Tel: (250) 758-9877; Fax: (250) 758-9855;
E-mail: dialogue@dialogue.ca     www.dialogue.ca

Credit card orders can also be done by phone:
TEL:  250-758-9877

Return to the Dialogue Home Page

What is Dialogue Magazine?

THE AUTUMN 2024 EDITION OF DIALOGUE, V. 38-1, was mailed to subscribers in October 2024.
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The coming issue will be the WINTER 2025 Edition, in January

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To subscribe or send a Gift Subscription, please contact us:

6227 Groveland Dr.
Nanaimo, BC Canada

$30 CDN within Canada, for 4-6 issues per year.
$10 SINGLE ISSUE; Please add $5.00usd per issue for mailing of International orders.
In addition to the printed magazine, subscribers receive a pdf copy with active links.

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New Issues are not currently being posted online, but many prior issues up can be viewed online by
 scrolling down, or at Recent Editions, left.

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Subscribe or order a Gift Subscription

Please send comments, inquiries or letters / essays / poetry / art  to dialogue(at)dialogue.ca
MAIL: 6227 Groveland Dr., Nanaimo, BC V9V 1B1 CANADA. Or use the Submission Page
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Links to earlier issues can be accessed here.

You can order a copy of the printed magazine!

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"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell

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"The civilized have created the wretched, quite coldly and deliberately, and do not intend to change the status quo; are responsible for their slaughter and enslavement; rain down bombs on defenseless children whenever and wherever they decide that their "vital interests" are menaced, and think nothing of torturing a man to death: these people are not to be taken seriously when they speak of the 'sanctity' of human life, or the 'conscience' of the civilized world." - James Baldwin, Source: page 489 of COLLECTED ESSAYS (1998), from chapter one of "The Devil Finds Work" (orig. pub. 1976)

"Since world war two we've managed to create history's first truly global empire. This has been done by the corporatocracy, which are a few men and women who run our major corporations and in doing so also run the U.S. government and many other governments around the world." - John Perkins, 2005, author of the book titled 'Confessions of and Economic Hit Man' 

In the struggle of Good against Evil, it's always the people who get killed. - Eduardo Galeano  

"It's not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely." - Leo Buscaglia, author and university professor (1924-1998) 

The above quotes are from ICH on Dec. 18-19, 2015: InformationClearingHouse

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