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The Secret of Canada's Debt.

by Don Harrison
(Ladysmith B.C.)

The story of COMER and Rocco Gilati suing the Bank of Canada intending to force the Bank of Canada to return to the reason it was established in 1934 has been a carefully controlled secret by the Canadian government in Ottawa. Rocco Gilati is a well known constitutional lawyer and on the basis that our Bank of Canada is firmly part of the Canadian constitution he and COMER sued the Bank of Canada to force it to return to the original intended purpose our fore fathers established it for. When our forefathers established the Bank of Canada they gave it the legal right to print Canadian legal tender {money} to be loaned back to the various levels of Canadian governments at no or very low interest.

The St Lawrence Seaway as well as the Trans Canada highway were built using this method of financing. The result was Canada moved ahead with major infrastructure but little in the way of debt. Be aware that this bank belongs to the people of Canada and is therefore a section of the ministry of finance of the federal government. This arrangement was successful up until 1974 when prime minister Pierre Trudeau was convinced by the huge foreign banks that he should join the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND for government financing. Since that time the Canadian debt has been spiralling upwards and out of control.

COMER along with Rocco Gilati sued the Bank of Canada to force it to return to its intended purpose and won the case in the Supreme Court of Canada. The Canadian government of the time appealed the case and lost again. This whole situation has received meagre attention from our Canadian media and it has been suggested that the government has told the media not to report the case. It is presently sitting waiting for response from the government and the debt continues to climb. At present every Canadian citizen has a share in the national debt of more than $17000.00 which obviously saddles every couple with $34000.00. This should be a worrisome fact to every citizen in Canada because the interest being drawn out of treasury amounts to 6 million dollars daily.

When one does some research on world finance it becomes very clear where the financial power has been established. It is the ROTHSCHILD BANKING FAMILY that pretty well controls all of the worlds finance in every country including our Bank of Canada. If you ask any regular American citizen who owns and controls the American Federal Reserve Bank, most likely they will say the government of the United States of America and that would be a wrong answer. The American Federal Reserve Bank is a private bank controlled by ROTHSCHILD , ROCKEFELLER and Morgan.

This is a huge story in this world and I would submit is not understood by the majority of the regular working middle class. It has recently been reported that the government of Hungary has evicted ROTHSCHILDS influence from Hungary, and as well Switzerland has put heavy controls on the huge banks in that country. I have written E-mail messages to our finance minister about our Canadian debt as well as the Bank of Canada but I doubt that he ever reads them. I get answers from one of the minions with pages of bafflegab.

The citizens of Canada have to be aware of this problem or we will be facing the same problems Greece has been wrestling with. At least that is how I see Canada's "MONEY" problems.

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Aug 11, 2016
Thank you, Don.
by: Janet

Don, Thank you very much for your commentary on Canada's money problems. Your article will also appear in the Autumn print edition of Dialogue.

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"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell

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"The civilized have created the wretched, quite coldly and deliberately, and do not intend to change the status quo; are responsible for their slaughter and enslavement; rain down bombs on defenseless children whenever and wherever they decide that their "vital interests" are menaced, and think nothing of torturing a man to death: these people are not to be taken seriously when they speak of the 'sanctity' of human life, or the 'conscience' of the civilized world." - James Baldwin, Source: page 489 of COLLECTED ESSAYS (1998), from chapter one of "The Devil Finds Work" (orig. pub. 1976)

"Since world war two we've managed to create history's first truly global empire. This has been done by the corporatocracy, which are a few men and women who run our major corporations and in doing so also run the U.S. government and many other governments around the world." - John Perkins, 2005, author of the book titled 'Confessions of and Economic Hit Man' 

In the struggle of Good against Evil, it's always the people who get killed. - Eduardo Galeano  

"It's not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely." - Leo Buscaglia, author and university professor (1924-1998) 

The above quotes are from ICH on Dec. 18-19, 2015: InformationClearingHouse

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